Author Topic: The basics of why he was killed and by whom  (Read 9385 times)


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The basics of why he was killed and by whom
« on: July 13, 2013, 10:26:04 AM »
An excellent introductory article to the subject. The entire website (mostly about modern-day secret societies) is amazing, and the product of untold hours of research.

12 foreign policy reasons why Kennedy was killed

    Kennedy did not conduct an acceptable policy towards Cuba, in contrast to Eisenhower. At the last moment he had withdrawn air support for the April 1961 Bay of Pigs invasion and he refused to commit U.S. ground troops in order to save the invading Cubans. He fired the CIA leadership over this debacle. Kennedy subsequently rejected the 1962 Operation Northwoods paper which made recommendations on false flag operations in order to invade Cuba. He fired Joint Chiefs chairman General Lemnitzer, who soon joined the ultraright American Security Council, for supporting the paper. During the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 Kennedy was undermined by CIA station chief William Harvey in Miami, who was sending commando teams into Cuba, and had him banished to Rome. Harvey's protege Ted Shackley took his place.
    Kennedy apologized for involvement of Eisenhower and the CIA in the 1957 and 1958 PRRI-Permesta rebellion in Indonesia. He became a supporter of the left-wing Sukarno government and provided Indonesia with billions of dollars in civilian and military aid. In 1965 Suharto shoved Sukarno aside and with CIA support began a mass extermination campaign against suspected communists.
    Kennedy supported the failed April 1961 coup against Portuguese dictator Antonio Salazar. Salazar was supported by the CIA and the Cercle group. In 1975, after Salazar had died, the State Department, under the leadership of Henry Kissinger, and the local ambassador/CIA officer, Frank Carlucci, gave the go-ahead for a right-wing counter-coup of Antonio de Spinola, a visitor of Le Cercle, against moderate forces that had taken over the government.
    Kennedy forced Park Chung-hee of South Korea to restore civilian rule a year after his May 1961 coup against the left-wing government. Chung-hee and his cousin Kim Jong-pil had just established the KCIA and were supported by the Moonie Cult. CIA support in the coup has been suspected and certainly in later years the KCIA, the Moonies, yakuza, the CIA and private groups as the American Security Council became close allies.
    After giving it much thought, Kennedy allowed the November 1, 1963 coup against the Catholic Ngo Dinh Diem in South Vietnam, greatly angering the CIA and the military. This in itself proves that Kennedy was not a hardliner. Otherwise he would not have allowed the coup against Diem, a favorite of the afore-mentioned elements. For years Lansdale, an ASC affiliate, and his CIA allies had worked to bring Catholics to the south of Vietnam in order to form a strong anti-communist – but repressive – government. The North-Vietnamese could hardly believe that the United States had supported the coup and not surprisingly, the situation in South Vietnam deteriorated rapidly. Kennedy always favored a diplomatic solution with North Vietnam and the Soviet Union, in contrast to the CIA and military. And he may have withdrawn without seeking victory, as various friends of Kennedy have stated, not willing to start an all-out war in Vietnam. And looking at Kennedy's opposition to Operation Northwoods, it is doubtful he would have gone along with a Gulf of Tonkin-like incident that would have been necessary to start such a war.
    In Italy Kennedy sympathized with the Partito Socialista Italiano. After the April 1963 election the party received a number of cabinet posts under the moderate Christian Democrat Aldo Moro. The leader of the PSI, Pietro Nenni, became Moro's vice prime minister. When Kennedy visited Italy in July 1963 he was wary about the communists, but embraced Nenni. The CIA leadership and even the State Department were greatly worried about these developments. Ironically, the CIA station chief in Italy, William Harvey, who was banished to Rome for undermining Kennedy’s policy towards Cuba, was running secret Gladio armies that tried to discredit both the communists and socialists. His deputy was Vernon Walters, who was involved with the American Security Council. A decade later Aldo Moro would be kidnapped and murdered, almost certainly as part of a U.S.-sanctioned purge of leftist elements in the Italian government.
    Kennedy was an ally of the United Nations and prime ministers Patrice Lumumba and Cyrille Adoula in Belgian Congo. Kennedy opposed the CIA and Belgian colonialists in their support of Moishe Tshombe, leader of the breakaway province of Katanga, where the important minerals were located. Incredibly, Lumumba, who was in the custody of Mobutu and then Tshombe, was illegally executed; the U.N. secretary general died in a plane crash; and Kennedy was assassinated by a lone gunman. After Kennedy's death, the CIA played a role in bringing Tshombe to power over all of Congo. Soon thereafter it backed Mobutu, who would plunder the country for over three decades while keeping close ties with the CIA and the Belgian establishment.
    Kennedy supported Kwame Nkrumah of Kenya. Nkrumah was overthrown in 1966 with support from the CIA for being too close in the Soviet camp.
    Kennedy maintained friendly relations with Gamal Abdul Nasser in Egypt, at the same time that Cercle elements in Great Britain were fighting a privately-funded covert war with Nasser over control of Yemen. The Cercle elements were supported by the Mossad and the CIA.
    Kennedy supported the independence of Guinea, another African country considered in the Soviet orbit.
    Kennedy pushed hard for inspections at the Dimona reactor in order to make sure that Israel was not trying to build nuclear weapons. Israel, in fact, was quietly producing these weapons and seemed to have had the blessing of the CIA. James Angleton, CIA counter-intelligence chief from 1954 to 1974, as well as the Shackley group, were close to the Israelis. LBJ backed off from the idea of periodically inspecting Dimona and so did later administrations.
    By early 1963 Kennedy was suspected of trying to cool down the Cold War with a policy of rapprochement towards the Soviet Union and Cuba. In opposition to Lemay (also soon of the ASC) and Lemnitzer, he revised the Single Integrated Operational Plan, which called for a nuclear counter-attack against all communist countries even in case Russia alone attacked. In October 1963 Kennedy signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, limiting the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union to underground nuclear testing. Coincidentally, in this same period Kennedy was warning the public for men as Curtis Lemay and Barry Goldwater by supporting the making of the movie Seven Days In May. In this movie the military attempts a coup after the president initiates nuclear disarmament talks with the Soviet Union. Interestingly, starting in 1969, the group of Lemay and Goldwater would spend two decades fighting détente and the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks.

But it wasn't only on foreign policy that Kennedy found resistance from ultra right corners. Jack and Bobby Kennedy made enemies in many different places: big business, Texas oil men, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and the mafia all came to loathe the name Kennedy. Although it's unlikely that these elements were involved in planning the assassination, there is every reason to believe that they were more than willing to help cover up the death of President Kennedy, and five years later of his brother, Bobby.

7 more domestic policy reasons why Kennedy was killed

    The relationship between FBI head J. Edgar Hoover, who occupied this position from 1935 to 1972, and the Kennedy brothers was terrible. Hoover was blackmailing Jack Kennedy with evidence of his extra-marital affairs while the Bobby Kennedy eventually forced him to acknowledge the existence of the mafia. Not surprisingly, Hoover could be found at the tracks the day after Kennedy's assassination. Bobby later said he thought Hoover had enjoyed telling him that his brother had been shot and referred to the FBI head as "rather a psycho".
    Hoover was a good friend of vice president Lyndon Baines Johnson. The men had lived across the street from each other for 30 years. Reportedly, vice president Johnson had trouble accepting the number two spot for the first time in his life. It has been alleged that LBJ was only picked by Kennedy because Hoover was blackmailing the future president with his extra-marital escapades. A recorded telephone conversation between Johnson and future Warren Commission member Senator Richard Russell revealed that Johnson didn't want a real investigation of the events. The commission members were just to repeat the findings of the FBI. Hoover leaked the FBI report to the press, so the commissioners knew exactly what they were supposed to find. Eugene Rostow behind Warren Commission.
    Both Hoover and Lyndon Baines Johnson were annual guests of the Texas oil men Clint Murchison, Sr. and Sid Richardson at Hotel del Charro in California and the nearby racetracks. Senator McCarthy, Eisenhower and Nixon were among the other guests. So was D. H. Byrd, a co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol and the owner of Texas School Book Depository, two locations where Lee Harvey Oswald was employed. At some point Hoover reportedly sat at the breakfast table each morning with an agent of mafia boss Carlos Marcello. Both oil men were extreme right-wingers, with Sid Richardson having an involvement with the ASC. The oil men became even greater opponents of Kennedy after his introduction of the 1962 Kennedy Act, increasing the tax burden on oil corporations. Also, in a speech on January 17, 1963, Kennedy seems to have hinted that he was going to end the oil depletion allowance. Both men were said to "own" the state of Texas, the state which became fatal to Kennedy. Murchison's son, Clint, Jr., later sat on the board of FIDCO, a CIA front company with mafia ties.
    The mafia began to despise Bobby Kennedy, as mafia arrest had increased 700 percent under his term as attorney general. Possibly the only reason that men as John Roselli, Sam Giancana and Santos Trafficante were not thrown in jail is because they were employed by the CIA in operations against Cuba.
    The Cubans hated Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs fiasco and many wanted him dead for what they - somewhat justified - saw as betrayal. Kennedy withdrew air support and most of their friends were either killed or captured as a result.
    The ultraright, which generally organized itself at the American Security Council and various lower level groups, hated Kennedy. They thought that he was too soft on both communism and socialism. Many also loathed his support for Martin Luther King.
    The core of the big business establishment is unlikely to have approved of Kennedy. Many corporations had seen their assets confiscated by Fidel Castro. In addition Kennedy was breaking up the steel monopoly of U.S. Steel. Kennedy's firing of Allen Dulles as head of the CIA alone is likely to have squared him with the Eastern Establishment. Dulles grew up with the Rockefeller family and became an executive of the Pilgrims Society, which has always been dominated by the major banks and think tanks in New York. The New York Times, Time magazine, Newsweek, CBS and other media outlets were part of this network.

All leads point to Ted Shackley (and superiors)
The CIA's Miami station was known as JM/WAVE. It ran the CIA's operation to overthrow Castro and had both the mafia and Cuban exiles working for them. William Harvey ran the project from its inception in November 1961, but was exiled to Rome after attempting to undermine the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. His protege, Ted Shackley, took over at that point and headed the station until 1965. Important names under Shackley at JM/WAVE included: David Morales, chief of covert operations; Felix Rodriguez, Rafael Quintero, George Joannides, David Atlee Phillips, Carl E. Jenkins, Rudi Enders, Thomas Clines, Edwin Wilson, Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt, Rip Robertson, and, briefly, future CIA director Porter Goss. These men had the mafia working alongside them, as well as the entire network of anti-Castro Cuban exile groups - in which Oswald was involved. In later decades some of the names resurfaced in Vietnam, Laos, drug trafficking accusations and Iran Contra. Ted Shackley himself turned out to be running the secretive and rather sinister Cercle group in the years prior to his death, giving a great deal of credence to claims that he was one of the overseers of the anti-communist P2 Lodge, along with Alexander Haig (Pilgrims). [4] The Cercle network, which included the P2, was deeply involved in pedophile entrapment, assassinations and false flag terrorist attacks. These links are in line with another claim about Shackley, namely that by the 1980s he was running a private assassination team referred to by insiders as the "Fish Farm", along with his former JM/WAVE employee Rudi Enders. [5]

Deputy director of operations Richard Helms was Shackley's boss at the time of the Kennedy assassination and would act as his mentor until at least the 1970s. [6] John McCone, a Bechtel partner who had become a good friend of Allen Dulles - the CIA director fired by Kennedy - in the late 1940s [7], was CIA director during the Kennedy assassination. All these men were close to the Rockefeller/Pilgrims Society group in New York, which represents the State Department and most of the major media outlets in the United States. Helms came from an elite Pilgrims Society family [8], was close to the aristocratic Mellon family (Pilgrims; close to the Rothschilds and British royal family) during his term as director of the CIA [9], joined Bechtel as a consultant in 1978 [7] and is known to have visited Henry Kissinger's birthday party in 1983, along with David Rockefeller (Pilgrims), Peter Peterson (Pilgrims), George Shultz (Pilgrims), Walter Cronkite (Pilgrims), LBJ's widow and Helmut Schmidt. [10] Allen Dulles became an executive member of the Pilgrims Society and was a youth friend of the Rockefellers. John McCloy, who was appointed to the Warren Commission along with Allen Dulles, was another Pilgrim and major Rockefeller representative.

Phil Dragoo

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Tapestry or maelstrom
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 04:46:46 AM »
Regarding Cuba, it was a surprise when Kennedy won.  With Nixon an invasion would have ensued.  Had it been immediate it might have been successful.  Were it delayed until 1962 it would have resulted in a nuclear exchange and devastation.  The Kennedy Tapes and One Minute to Midnight are useful.

Despite E. Howard Hunt's bleatings in Give Us This Day, 1973, Kennedy did not withdraw air support and use of ground troops was never on the table.  This is why I see Bay of Pigs as CIA's provocation leading to Kennedy's assassination.  1500 passionate irregulars were chopped up by Castro's T-33 jets with their multiple .50 cal. guns and his ten thousand troops--plus there was no general uprising.

In Unspeakable we see Lodge's defiance during the Diem-Nhu coup.  Lodge would behave curiously on the cabinet junket, using quarters in the Hilton payphone rather than the military patch. 

In fact Dulles and Dulles had been running the world for decades.  In Evica Arrogance we see Allen in Switzerland the day the Germans sent Lenin to Petersburg to remove pressure on the Eastern front.  By 1930 Allen was pooh-poohing Hitler's rise and securing a US loan for Germany.

The crew which ran OSS likely cooperated with the Russians to take out Patton in December 1945 (Robert Wilcox, Target: Patton) in order that the Cold War continue.  The National Security Acts of 1947 and 1949 simply showed Truman representing the temporary occupants of the White House were no match for the shadow state.

Piper tried to blame it all on Israel and Mossad.  It's unlikely Kennedy proved an existential threat and the Jews are not stupid.

The general thrust of Kennedy's policy is presented in Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, and the business model of the resource exploiters who despised his postcolonial support of nationalism and self-determination are laid bare in Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett.

His secret negotiations with Khrushchev and Castro and his American University speech of June 1963 added to the growing hatred of him by the military-intelligence establishment from Bay of Pigs through Missile Crisis. 

It is likely when Dulles called in Hunt November 1961 it was to write a grand work of intelligence but not The Craft of Intelligence, that being a plausible denial.

Hoover and Johnson and the American mafia are false sponsors and facilitators.  They had their vulnerabilities and their visceral hatred and were useful but not prime movers.

The CIA and its permutations serve as the sword and the shield for the cabal, the unseen center of power which is above partisan and national and religious and cultural divisions.

Gladio was said by Sibel Edmonds to have originated in the mind of Allen Dulles.

He infamously snorted, near his death, "that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god"

The grasp of power and its covert use continues; the JFK assassination being but one event in the Century of the Fed.

It is a Rosetta Stone for the lingua potentia, the language of power.

Surely the principles have been refined from Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun through the godfathers of the American milint establishment those who cavorted in the drag of Nazis.

China's millenia of warlordism give us Sun Tzu still studied.

The house has many rooms; James claims he wasn't privy--but he was among, he said, the world's greatest liars.

Alan Dale

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Re: The basics of why he was killed and by whom
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2013, 01:30:24 PM »
^ Superb.
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.