Author Topic: Watergate and JFK Overlap  (Read 10692 times)

Alan Dale

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Watergate and JFK Overlap
« on: July 12, 2013, 10:18:15 PM »
There may be more to Watergate than we assume. Or have been told. Professor Peter Dale Scott has chosen Watergate as the subject of his next book. He told me during our recent interview that what he thinks happened could not be covered in five hours. His observation about Deep Political events being connected was never more apparent than when scratching beneath Watergate's surface to find what odd coincidences arise among figures associated with Watergate and the CIA's actions against Castro originating from Miami's jm/wave station during the early 1960's.

This is worth absorbing:

Members who have observed or participated in our forum may be familiar with my occasional contributions to these discussions and debates. I have done what I can to focus our attention on BIG picture ideas such as those addressed by scholars such as Professor Peter Dale Scott, Dr. John Newman, Bill Simpich, former Washington Post reporter Jefferson Morley; Professional investigators whose dedication, discipline and meticulous determination and methodology observe a Pursuit of Truth, wherever it may lead, which is unbiased by personal predispositions or prejudices.

For me, personally, the path from Dallas leads to James Jesus Angleton and William King Harvey.

Today, in accordance with that conclusion, I am considering a new possibility in my personal search for deeper understanding.

For the past year I have contemplated the plausible influence of one shadowy figure whose presence may have been felt but not seen during the consequential decade that began with the CIA's proposal to collaborate with the Mafia for mutual benefit in their efforts to dispose of Fidel Castro, and was then book-ended by the disruption of the Nixon administration's executive authority during Watergate.

That figure is Howard Robard Hughes, Jr.

For those who may not be aware, it was Hughes' eventual trusted executive assistant (1966-1970), Robert Maheu, to whom the CIA turned in their original request to establish dialogue with the Mob to assassinate Castro.

I'm sure it is understood by many that a number of very serious students of President Kennedy's assassination have speculated that this association between the mafia and the CIA's Miami based jm/wave station may have been a crucible of the plans that altered our history.

I believe Howard Hughes would have been uniquely situated to sponsor the assassination of the president. His access to and possible influence over an ultimate Machiavellian figure such as James Angleton is not something I can prove. The fact that Angleton delivered the sole eulogy at Hughes' small memorial service is certainly intriguing to me.

There's no question in my mind that Hughes' proximity to figures and centers of despicable action makes my speculation plausible. I am deeply suspicious that he may have made the first call to set in motion the terrible chain of consequence.

   * * * *


Hughes was extremely anxious to

get himself into an alliance with the

CIA that would protect him from

investigation by other Government

agencies. -ROBERT MAHEU

A CIA cover organization is a strange and very useful thing. It's like having a magic box. You can put things in and you can take things out. You can take things out that you never put in and you can put things in that will never come out. Or you can get into the box yourself and go away somewhere—or perhaps go away forever. If the box is large enough, you can put an entire country inside it and no one will ever know.

The Hughes organization is such a box, the biggest and most useful of its kind. According to information given to us by a highly placed intelligence source, there is nothing else like it in the world, as far as intelligence fronts go. It is no secret to most foreign governments, most of which stand in awe of its ineffable, elegant vastness. From within this magic box, an important part of the United States' covert intelligence operations emanate. But by 1971, it had begun to crack. So much had been put into the box that things were beginning to come out. The magic was fading.

Hughes's alliance with the agency started as early as 1949. Only two years after the CIA got its charter, it began giving contracts to Hughes.

On April 1, 1975, The Washington Post reported, "Hughes Aircraft [HAC] has been mentioned as a potential hotbed of interrelationships with the CIA." The New York Times on March 20, 1975, quoted high Government officials as saying that HAC had been building satellites for intelligence purposes for years and "employs a number of high-ranking CIA and military men." As early as 1960, Maheu had Hughes's blessing in taking on one of the agency's most sensitive assignments: the assassination of Fidel Castro. Maheu worked out several unsuccessful plots with gangsters Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli.

The affinity between Hughes and the agency was natural: America's most secretive billionaire and the most secretive part of America's Government. In a way, Hughes was a kind of modern-day Leonardo da Vinci, an eccentric genius who pushed to the cutting edge of the 20th Century, whether in early talking movies or in space satellites. Just after his death was reported, Newsweek quoted a top-ranking Washington intelligence official as saying, "Hughes gravitated into areas that other people refused to go into or didn't believe in." HAC pioneered the synchronous-orbit satellite, built the first Early Bird satellite and the Surveyor spacecraft that made the first soft landing on the moon and sent pictures back to NASA in preparation for the manned moon shots. Without Hughes's signal-amplifying microwave tubes, pictures from Mars would have been impossible. HAC is responsible for three-dimensional radar that is used for tracking hundreds of planes simultaneously. And the world's first operating laser arced across the labs of HAC. Laser weapons are now one of the hottest topics within the Pentagon—they may someday make nuclear weapons obsolete. The secrets of laser-weapon technology are so closely guarded that Pentagon insiders will discuss it only in state-of-the-art terms.

HAC became a leading Government electronics contractor with the building of an early fire-control system in 1948 and the Falcon air-to-air missile. During the Korean War, HAC was the only contractor of fire-control systems for Air Force interceptors. More recently, HAC built the entire ground-based defense systems for Japan, Belgium, Switzerland and NATO.

For years, Hughes Tool Company (Toolco—sold by Hughes in 1972) held a virtual monopoly on mining-drill bits. (On the subject of whether or not he really did have a monopoly, Hughes once said, "We don't have a monopoly. People who want to drill for oil and not use the Hughes bit can always use a pick and shovel.") A highly placed intelligence source told PLAYBOY that this monopoly was one of the important factors in the relationship between Hughes and the CIA because of the importance of resource-recovery information to the agency. What this means is that any time someone drilled into the ground, the information about what was down there went straight back to the agency. The setup with Toolco had put the agency in a position of awesome power with respect to other countries' abilities to keep the exact nature of their resources confidential....
« Last Edit: July 12, 2013, 10:21:12 PM by Alan Dale »
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


Alan Dale

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Re: Watergate and JFK Overlap
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2013, 10:26:02 PM »
30 July, 1975
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.



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Re: Watergate and JFK Overlap
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2013, 08:08:07 PM »
I know that Hughes wasn't a big fan of JFK, but I've also never heard of any particular hatred he had either (or maybe I've forgotten it). In fact, in 1968 Hughes was going to contribute $25,000 to RFK's campaign but then he was assassinated. So Hughes got the idea to hire the Kennedy team and put them on his payroll. The only one he was successful with was Larry O'Brien.


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Re: Watergate and JFK Overlap
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2013, 08:05:51 PM »
I'm reading The Money and the Power: The Making of Las Vegas and its Hold on America by Sally Denton and Roger Morris. It has this little tidbit:

"Only twenty people attended the funeral of one of the most famous tycoons on earth. The sole eulogy came fittingly from one of the many who used him - the infamous, seamy Cold Warrior and CIA chief of counter-espionage who was the Syndicate's highest-ranking ally in American intelligence, James Jesus Angleton. 'Where his country's interests were concerned,' Angleton said of Hughes with historic if unintended irony, 'no man knew his target better. We were fortunate to have him. He was a great patriot.'"

Alan Dale

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Re: Watergate and JFK Overlap
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 09:58:20 PM »
^ Interesting choice of words.

Thanks for relaying this.
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


Phil Dragoo

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Angleton, Harvey and Hughes
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2013, 05:15:33 AM »

Your concept comes into focus.

John Newman has steered me into a view of James Angleton as the director of the Oswald Project, with focus on the Mexico City holograph.

Simpich indicating Angleton did not tell Hoover of the Kostikov Directorate 13-Assassinations contact contemporaneously, but only after the assassination.

Angleton's predecessor at CI was Harvey, now running Staff D, ZRRIFLE, Task Force W

Harvey reaches out to Maheu purportedly on the Mongoose Castro hit; Maheu liases with Johnny Roselli, Sam Giancana, Charles Nicoletti

Harvey has the services of David Morales and operation 40*

*Who had the use of the inventor of CIA's special team concept Mitch WerBell:

Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation, page 69:

Thanks to the complicated technology of his silent-kill weapons, Mitch WerBell was central to the development of the talent with the capability to employ those weapons.  Out of that talent came the “special teams” concept.  Special teams are assassination teams.

It was the special team concept that the CIA used within its own bureaucratic structure—select individuals were stitched together into a tight, top-secret network outside their normal chain of command—to plan the Castro assassination attempts.  But the first utilization of that concept had come in 1954 when, according to St. George, a deep-cover CIA team went off to Hanoi under Lt. Colonel Lucien Conein, one of WerBell’s “closest lifelong friends.”  The Conein mission, code-named “Blackhawk,” was to harass and decimate the new Communist rulers of North Vietnam.  Its orders included the “elimination of Vietminh cadres.”  Subsequently, similar missions multiplied as CIA Clandestine Services sent out special teams with the authority to kill whenever “circumstances warranted.”  There were, among others, the “White Star Training Mission” in Laos (James Files), “Operation Lodestone” in Northern Thailand, and “Study Project Minimax” in certain disaffected ethnic regions of Indonesia.  Then, in the early Sixties, with the CIA’s employment of the hard-bitten hill tribesmen of North Burma, Laos and Southwestern China as “deep penetration” and “long-range reconnaissance” teams into Red China, came large-scale, top-secret U.S. intelligence operations involving unlimited license to kill.  Mitch WerBell’s business did very well in those days, and Thai King Phumiphon personally hand carved a tiny rosewood Buddha for him.

Hughes was a magician:  Hughes Space and Communications Company launched the first geosynchronous communications satellite, Syncom, in 1963.  What would be more desirable and useful for CIA than the next generation from the U-2.

Harvey, drinking buddy of Roselli, heart attacks two months before Johnny is canned.

Angleton the mortician also carried Dulles' ashes.

You have your arms around the prime facilitators.

Their satellite gears will include many familiar names and faces.  Did we see Rip Robertson, Ed Lansdale and Gordon Novel there that day.

Would a comm net coordinating spotting and volley fire from multiple teams be a Hughes project or a Collins project.

A Vietnam War would be good business for Hughes.

And as we learn, it's not personal; it's business.

Alan Dale

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Re: Watergate and JFK Overlap
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2013, 02:03:33 PM »
^ Superb.

Thank you.
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.