Author Topic: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images  (Read 117913 times)

Alan Dale

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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #60 on: July 11, 2013, 02:09:39 PM »
The Assassination / Re: The Warren Commission

The Warren Report was subject of an interesting memo:

(If necessary, copy and paste the link into a new window--MFF links are occasionally problematic from external sites.)

As for Hinckley (whose older brother was dining with Neil Bush, whose father had done business with GHWBush, whose oil business was under shadow of millions in fines) who was out to impress Jodi Foster (really?) see also the following link for a plethora of information--which you must disregard as the act was that of a lone gunman:

(Stare closely at Tommy Lee Jones' penlike device and wait for the flash.)
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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #61 on: July 11, 2013, 02:10:11 PM »
The Assassination / Three mutually dependent accusations untested in court

Gerald D. McKnight, Breach of Trust: How the Warren Commission Failed the Nation and Why, pages 48-59 discusses the problems with the allegation Lee Oswald shot at General Walker.

Acting Attorney General Katzenbach called Alan H. Belmont the assistant to the director and the executive officer Hoover had placed in charge of the investigation regarding the Walker case.  Belmont told Katzenbach the Dallas authorities didn't consider Oswald a suspect.

The only basis for the charge in the incident seven and a half months prior (April 10, 1963) was an unsigned note which appeared later under dubious provenance.

Dallas police's witness testimony pointed to two or three conspirators with cars using a high-powered rifle and steel-jacketed ammunition.  Oswald did not drive and had no known access to a car, his Mannlicher-Carcano rifle was not high-powered, and the ammunition he allegedly used to kill Kennedy was copper-jacketed.

FBI chief firearms expert Robert A. Frazier repeatedly stressed that Oswald's Mannlicher-Carcano had a “very low velocity and pressure, and just an average-size bullet weight.” The Dallas police believed the bullet to have been a .30-06-caliber rifle, the bullet found having penetrated the center wood strip of the outer screen of the general's study, through a copper weather strip, and penetrated an inside masonry wall reinforced with solid tin and metal lathing.

FBI lab results for the Walker bullet by Agent Henry H. Heilberger concluded that Q-188 the Walker Bullet were described in the official report (PC-78378) as being of a lead alloy different from the lead allow of the two large bullet fragments recovered from under the left jump seat of the presidential limousine.  Heilberger was never called as a Commission witness.

In 1979 Walker was watching a televised session of the House Select Committee on Assassinations when Robert Blakey, the committee's chief counsel, held up CE 573 as a visual aide to augment his narrative on the firearms evidence in the Kennedy assassination.  Walker, a thirty-year career army officer with extensive combat experience in World War II, and with more than a passing familiarity with military weaponry, was stunned.  According to Walker, what Blakey represented as the bullet fired into his home bore no resemblance to the piece of lead the police had recovered, which he had held in his own hand and closely examined.

FBI fingerprint expert Sebastian Latona found seven latent fingerprints from the unsigned note allegedly written by Lee Oswald and found by Marina Oswald, the note found days later after multiple police searches.  None of the prints matched either Lee Oswald or Marina Oswald.

None were “identical with the fingerprints of Lee Harvey Oswald or Marina Nikolaevna Oswald.”

Several months later Rankin wrote Hoover a six-page letter complaining that Marina's testimony on the Walker shooting to the FBI and Secret Service was giving the Commission lawyers fits because it was riddled with contradictions.

Shanklin had assigned Agent Ivan D. Lee to the Walker shooting case.  Lee concluded his report, “Our investigation did not establish whether Oswald did or did not make an attempt on General Walker's life.”

Agents Lee and Robert M. Barrett spent a week interviewing witnesses already identified by the Dallas Police.  One of Walker's neighbors Walter Kirk Coleman spotted two men getting into their cars and leaving.  Coleman described the cars, described the men, when shown a photo of Oswald said neither man looked like Oswald, nor had he seen anyone around the Walker residence before or after the incident who looked like Oswald.

Robert A. Surrey, a Dallas businessman and a Walker supporter told the agents two days before the incident he had arrived at Walker's house and noticed two “well dressed men in suits and ties” looking into Walker's windows.  He observed the men for thirty minutes.  Neither looked like Oswald.

The note conveniently appeared as part of the circular reasoning that the attempted assassination of Walker somehow proved Oswald killed the president.

In similar fashion the murder of J.D. Tippit was used to prove Oswald killed the president.

None of the three propositions was tested in court as the accused was murdered.
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Alan Dale

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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #62 on: July 11, 2013, 02:10:56 PM »

The Assassination / Of note

The Paines

The Paines' Participation in the Minox Camera Charade by Carol Hewett, Esq.

Paine and the Patsy by Steven Jones

All in the Family (The Paines) by Barbara LaMonica

Arthur Young and Ruth Forbes Paine Young ---
The Crux of the Matter by William Kelly
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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #63 on: July 11, 2013, 02:11:30 PM »
The Assassination / Absent parallel universes, Lee absent lair

Photos taken of the sixth-floor window less than two minutes after the shooting show the boxes being REARRANGED (5:53). This fact was detected by the photographic experts retained by the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). I quote from the HSCA testimony of photographic expert Dr. Robert R. Hunt:

Mr. FITHIAN. I would like to ask the staff to put up JFK F-153. As I understand it, Doctor, this is a picture that was taken a few seconds after the shot; is that correct? Dr. HUNT. I am not sure until I see the picture. Which one are you referring to? Mr. FITHIAN. I believe that is the one of the---TSBD? Dr. HUNT. Oh, yes, right. Yes; in answer to your question, THAT WAS TAKEN A FEW SECONDS AFTER THE LAST SHOT WAS FIRED. AT LEAST THAT IS DILLARD'S TESTIMONY TO THE WARREN COMMISSION, I BELIEVE.

Mr. FITHIAN. Now, directing your attention to that particular exhibit, the photograph in the area of the sixth floor window, the open window, there seems to be a change in the configuration of the boxes. How did the photo panel account for this?

Dr. HUNT. The change in configuration of the boxes with respect to what, with respect to another window view?

Mr. FITHIAN. No, with respect to other photos that you analyzed.

Dr. HUNT. OK. Probably the one most pertinent to that would be exhibit which is showing next to it at the moment--I am not aware of the exhibit number for it--but that shows the same window, TAKEN APPROXIMATELY ONE TO TWO MINUTES AFTER THE FIRST PICTURE WHICH WE TALKED ABOUT, the one taken by Dillard on the right, the one by Powell on the left. You are correct in perceiving that there is something which we could ascribe to a change in the configuration of the boxes. For example, the picture on the right, we see only two boxes, one at the left of the window sill and just a corner of the one peeping up at the right of the window sill. Whereas, in the picture, the enlarged picture, for example, on the left, we see not just the two boxes; you can still see, for example, on the left there is the same small box at the left, there is the same corner peeping up at the right. But now we have two or three other boxes, apparently rising up in between them. There are two possible explanations, I guess, for that, that the panel considered. One is that we are seeing boxes which are in the room, but because of our perspective, our line of sight, is different, we are seeing different boxes than were visible in the other picture. The second explanation is that there has been physically a movement of the boxes in the room during the time which elapsed between the taking of those pictures.

Mr. FITHIAN. All right. Now there is no way that we can know which it is?

Dr. HUNT. There are ways of eliminating or narrowing down the possibilities between those two choices. For example, given the geometry at which you are viewing, and given the apparent sunlight on the boxes, you could probably guess how far into the room those boxes do lie. For example, if you look at the two boxes which appear to have been introduced in the picture on the left, they appear to be in full sunlight, which means they must not lie too far inside the room because this was high noon, in November; the sun angle is simply not that low in Dallas at high noon in November to shine sunlight very deep into the room. So they can certainly not be too far behind the plane of the window; and THAT WOULD THEREFORE TEND TO RULE OUT THE POSSIBILITY THAT WE ARE LOOKING AT THE BOX WHICH LIES IN ONE POSITION IN THE ROOM AND IS SIMPLY TENDED TO BE VIEWED IN DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE FROM TWO DIFFERENT VIEWING POINTS.

Mr. FITHIAN. You say it rules that out?

Dr. HUNT. It tends to rule it out, yes. It does not rule it out completely, because we lack what is usually referred to as the analytical information, from the position of the two photographers to precisely plot the positions of those boxes by stereoanalysis techniques.



Indeed, the Committee's photographic panel eventually came to the following conclusion: "There is an apparent rearranging of boxes within 2 minutes after the last shot was fired at President Kennedy" (6 HSCA 109). The photographic panel went into more detail in its report:

Examination of both the Dillard and Powell photographs of the sixth floor windows shows an open window with deep shadows in the region behind it. The deep shadows indicate the film was underexposed in these regions; that is, too little light reached the film or a clear recording of any details in the room behind the window.

A number of enhancement processes were applied to the photographs in order to bring out any details obscured within the underexposed regions. They were as follows:

(1) Photographic enhancement (using photo-optical and photochemical techniques) of the underexposed regions of the Dillard photograph undertaken at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).

(2) Autoradiographic enhancement of the underexposed regions of the Dillard photograph at Stanford Research Institute, Inc. (SRI).

(3) Computer enhancement of the underexposed regions of the Powell photograph at the University of Southern California and the Aerospace Corp. In addition, the Dillard photographs were scanned and digitized for possible computer enhancement. Nevertheless, no such enhancement was performed because the Panel decided that the autoradiographic technique had more potential for success.

The photographic and computer processes made visible details that had been obscured in the underexposed regions of the photographs. Both the photographic enhancement by RIT and the autoradiographic enhancement by SRI revealed a feature in the fifth floor window immediately beneath the sixth floor window. Figure IV-1 (JFK exhibit F-153) shows one of the. original Dillard photographs, and figure IV-2 is an autoradiographic enhancement. The detail revealed by the processing appears to be a circular light fixture hanging from the ceiling of the fifth floor room, with a light bulb in the center of the fixture.

In the enhanced Powell photograph additional details became visible on the boxes in the windows. (See figure IV-3, JFK exhibit F157.) Nevertheless in neither photograph did the processing operations reveal any sign of a human face or form in the open sixth floor or adjoining windows.

The Panel concluded that the light fixture revealed in the fifth window served as a "benchmark" against which the sixth floor enhancement could be judged. . . .

Although human faces or forms were not visible in the enhanced photographs, inspection of figures IV-2 and IV-3 reveals a difference in the boxes visible through the sixth floor widow. in the Dillard photograph, only two boxes are immediately visible, one each to the left and right of the window frame. Nevertheless, the Powell photograph shows several additional boxes. There are two possible explanations for this difference:

(1) The Powell photograph may reflect only an apparent change in the boxes; the different angle from which Powell viewed the depository may have caused a different set of boxes within the room to be framed within the window;

(2) The boxes were moved during the time that elapsed between the Dillard and Powell photographs. Since the precise positions of Dillard and Powell at the time of the photographs were unknown, it was not possible to calculate precisely the region within the sixth floor room that would have been visible to each photographer. In the Dillard photograph, the two to the left and right of the window frame appear to be in the full light of the Sun, with no shadows cast on them by the frame of the partially opened window. In the Powell photograph, it also appears that the boxes are in full sunlight, with no shadow cast on them by the window frame.

A simple trigonometric calculation shows that the two boxes at the left and right lie approximately 6 inches from the plane of the window (see appendix A). If full sunlight is falling on the additional boxes in question in the Powell photograph, they must also lie close to the plane of the window. For this reason, THE PANEL CONCLUDED THAT THE ADDITIONAL BOXES VISIBLE IN THE POWELL PHOTOGRAPH WERE MOVED DURING THE INTERVAL BETWEEN THE DILLARD AND POWELL PHOTOGRAPHS. (6 HSCA 110-115, emphasis added)

WC defenders cite the claims of Dale Myers, a private researcher who asserts that the apparent movement of boxes is in effect an optical illusion. But the photographic panel considered the argument on which Myers makes this claim--and rejected it. Oswald could not have been the one moving the boxes because he was seen on the second floor by Baker and Truly less than 90 seconds after the shots were fired (5:53). So, who was moving the boxes around less than two minutes after the shooting? Who was the man seen in the sniper's nest by the law clerk from a nearby building just a few minutes after the shots were fired? Whoever it was, it could not have been Oswald.
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Alan Dale

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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #64 on: July 11, 2013, 02:12:13 PM »
The Assassination / Toward a better understanding

I am deeply indebted to the persistence in the pursuit of truth on the part of the moderators.

In my view, Michael T. Griffith presents cogent and concise argument for Lee Oswald having been elsewhere than the corner window of the sixth floor at the time of the shooting.

It is of a piece, in my reasoning, with Lee Oswald having been tested by Dallas Police and confirmed by the AEC's Oak Ridge Laboratory testing, to be negative vis-a-vis the paraffin test for the cheek—a fact of major import as (as Griffith indicates) the seven test subjects who fired the rifle type alleged to be the murder weapon all presented positive.

I would add that the accused's last telephone call of his life was to John Hurt in North Carolina, likely his control from Office of Naval Intelligence.

The mere fact of the accused's employment in the building on the motorcade route at the scene of the darkest deed on American soil in the Twentieth Century may be laid to Ruth Paine.

Doesn't everyone have multiple links to Allen Welsh Dulles of that agency which the murdered president vowed to shatter into a thousand pieces and scatter to the winds.

In the larger context the day may be said to have been decades in creation, more decades in Mockingbird massage, and taken in the immortal words of former DCI Robert M. Gates, “how business gets done.”

I have posted links to the Paine essay in four parts by four authors elsewhere on the forum for thoughtful study which the search function will faithfully find.
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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #65 on: July 11, 2013, 02:12:51 PM »
The Assassination / No prints, no gsr, no problem


To: The Honorable Allen W. Dulles

From: Norman Redlich

“There is no basis for concluding that he also fired a rifle.”


Gallagher Exhibit 1

By Courier

To Honorable J. Lee Rankin

From FBI Special Agent John F. Gallagher

“What are some items in common usage which contain both barium and antimony?  Barium and antimony may be found in the following items:  printed paper and cloth, paint, storage batteries, rubber and matches, pyrotechnics and possibly other items.”


Givens originally told the FBI that he saw Oswald reading a newspaper at 11:50 am on the morning of November 22, 1963 in the Domino Room. This, of course would have explained the presence of barium and antimony on his hands, since BOTH barium and antimony were present on printed paper.
And if he rubbed his cheek with one of those hands, well you get the idea.
It certainly would explain why there was more barium and antimony present on the cheek and hands than would be for a person who had NOT fired a gun.
It would explain why the chemical test showed more nitrates on the PALM side than on the back side of the hands.
And it would explain the dispersion of nitrates on the hands as depicted by the Dallas Crime Lab. The nitrates on the hands ( drawing above ) are consistent with someone handling a newspaper.
Needless to say, this FBI report was never mentioned in the Commission's Final Report. It was never accepted as an Exhibit, but instead was buried with the Commission Documents.
In order to hide this fact, the Commission out of the blue asked Givens if he had seen Oswald reading a newspaper in the Domino Room of the TSBD on the morning of the assassination.
Givens denied it.  ( 6 H 352 )
And THAT'S what got into the 26 volumes.
Though Givens told FBI Special Agents Will Hayden Griffin and Bardwell T. Odum on November 23, 1963 he in fact had seen Oswald reading a newspaper on the morning of the assassination, at 11:50, in the Domino Room of the Depository.

From The JFK Assassination, The Paraffin Tests, Gil Jesus

By its own tests and testimony the Federal Bureau of Investigation working in conjunction with the Dallas Police and the Warren Commission staff proved Lee Oswald did not fire a rifle.

And to its eternal shame and guilt, it sought ever more desperately to conceal this from the American people.

Whom were they protecting?
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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #66 on: July 11, 2013, 02:13:40 PM »
The Assassination / The Magnum Opus of the Grand Cabal

Heartening to see so many taking their places on the Great Mandala.

As the camera dollies back it reveals Allen Dulles in Switzerland in 1917 serving in the U.S. diplomatic service, apparently rejecting Vladimir Lenin’s U.S. visa application as Germans placed Lenin on a train for Petrograd.

Brother Foster to head Council on Foreign Relations in 1927.

Of course Operation Paper Clip would enable Reinhard Gehlen’s intelligence apparatus to be absorbed by U.S. intelligence—CIA would recognize “a half century of cooperation.”

Bundy would cancel the final definitive raid on Castro’s three T-33 jets with added .50 cal. machine guns, sealing the defeat of the Brigade, resulting in JFK being reviled by many involved as a “traitor” with many base epithets added.

Bundy would author the draft NSAM 273 as a bridge document to reverse JFK’s withdrawal from Vietnam.

Through the War that Was Too Big To Fail to Be Initiated, Johnson the compromised and venal would be malleable, and leave when told in March 1968.  Nixon to follow, having felled King the disruptor, and Bobby the investigator.

Nixon sabotaged by Helms’ placement of Hunt, Sturgis, McCord et al on the Watergate team.  Sam Ervin ushering in Hoover’s stooge Gerry I-Moved-the-Back-Wound Ford who would place Nelson as Vice President and George Herbert Walker Pluperfect Bush Director of Central Intelligence having got that November 29, 1963 shout-out in the J.Edgar bulletin—what?  You say?

Dulles and Foster had been in the Regime-Change-R-Us business for so long.  See the role of Lansdale as Lemnitzer’s operative in Douglass.  And Lemnitzer ab-so-lute-ly bloo JFK’s mind with Operation Northwoods.

Truman knew.  His Washington Post editorial December 24, 1963 Limit CIA to Intelligence.

Ike knew.  He warned us serious as a heart attack January 17, 1961.

Dulles was forced to resign as the eight-year DCI the very month CIA decided to call the deniable operation Mongoose.  Dulles called in E. Howard Hunt who wrote 42 novels plus Give Us This Day (1973) the year Gore Vidal wrote The Arts and Arts of E. Howard Hunt.

What a deniable excuse for Hunt to be huddling with Dulles 1961-3.  Memoirs.  JFK was going to “smash CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds” but it was his head instead.  Dulles had fought to get the Langley headquarters but JFK would dedicate it.  After the assassination as Dulles neared death he scoffed at “that little Kennedy. . .he thought he was a god.”

In Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, Rockefeller and the Luce Press (Time, Life, Fortune) are among the enemies of Kennedy’s policies.

Was it a Get-Castro op.  DeMohrenschildt who shepherded Oswald into Ruth’s loving care begged Bush to call off the “vigilantes.”  DeMohrenschildt sucked a rook rifle the day Charles “Chuckie” Nicoletti went down, March 29, 1977.

Helms to Harvey to Rosselli—to get Castro?  Rosselli told Jack Anderson that “Ruby was one of ours.  We sent him to silence Oswald.”  And to be sure Noel Twyman in Bloody Treason (1997) shows the timeline of Ruby’s calls to cutouts for Marcello, Trafficante, Giancana, Hoffa.

Rosselli was canned for that blabbing in 76.  The year after Hoffa and Giancana were hit in consecutive months.  The year before Nicoletti and DeMohrenschildt.

Lee had no GSR per the paraffin test of Dallas PD confirmed by the AEC’s Oak Ridge Lab which showed that seven other test subjects who did fire the weapon did have the barium and antimony.

The war went on.  Profits were made on arms; access to the Golden Triangle was maintained.  Our friend the colonel reported being ordered by superiors to provide safe passage for a strange drug convoy transiting his area from that held by the North.

And now we are in Afghanistan.  Arms are sold; the Golden Crescent poppy crop thrives now that the Taliban has been suppressed.

Like Cortez in Bernal Diaz’ Conquest of Mexico with four hundred men, some cannon and horses, and lots and lots of treachery, the CIA continues its secret war despite the momentary impediment of one temporary resident of the White House.

John Newman makes it clear in Oswald and the CIA (2008) that no one but CIA could have manipulated the files and cables to create the WW III virus which insured the necessity of coverup.

Oswald’s last call was to John Hurt in North Carolina, his likely ONI handler, that agency which, like the Secret Service and CIA, refused to conform to the JFK Records Act.

Much secrecy, stonewalling, shredding and invocation of “national security” for a “lone gunman.”
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #67 on: July 11, 2013, 02:14:13 PM »
The Assassination / Conclusions

Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #68 on: July 11, 2013, 02:14:45 PM »
Magazines have issues. We demand justice.
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #69 on: July 11, 2013, 02:16:55 PM »
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


Alan Dale

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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #70 on: July 11, 2013, 02:18:00 PM »
Marvelous clarity!

This is a grand exposition of the known versus the Mother Goose facts of the removal of the 35th president.

Whatever your position/location on the Great Mandala, the Castle blows its sand in your face.

To this day.

The so great rightists Buckley and O'Reilly join with the leftists Chomsky and Matthews chant Oswald, Oswald.

Kennedy no longer blocked the Vietnam War, threatened the power of CIA to serve its hidden sponsors, presented an obstacle to the Federal Reserve, imposed test ban treaties, pursued detente with Khrushchev or demarche with Castro.

And fifty years on the work of one lone nut is still such a national security issue there are hundreds of thousands of pages, millions of pages of files destroyed or classified--you do not have the brains to order a soft drink; we certainly cannot trust you with the workings of government.

Oh, Survivor Benghazi is on tonight!

Watch as the CIA gunrunners are slaughtered by the people we subsidized last week!
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #71 on: July 11, 2013, 02:18:33 PM »
He's dead, Jim.

Phil's Amazon review of Jim DiEugenio's Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Case (Second Edition)
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #72 on: July 11, 2013, 02:19:29 PM »
Phil's letter to Rachel Maddow:



Your two-minute forty-five-second gun control essay on March 13 this year while intended to prevent further massacres unfortunately covers up the true nature of the murder of President Kennedy and subsequent decade of genocide in Southeast Asia.


You will benefit from the masterwork of scholarly peace activist James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters.  Oswald did not kill the president; he merely served the sponsors as a piñata to distract the citizens of America and the world from a sudden descent into mass murder and continental exploitation.


The irony is that you are a crusading journalist using conscience and morality rather than slavish obedience to the masters of the status quo who continue to trade in arms and drugs.


In the case of accusing a man who was framed with such forgeries as the “Backyard Photo” you display, and never fired the alleged murder weapon you cite, you serve those who continually arm proxy armies worldwide to prepare the economic battlefield for the colonial exploitation John F. Kennedy sought to end.


Please return to the search for truth and justice, and leave the caricature of the rabid dogmatist to O’Reilly and Matthews.


Thank you for your consideration


Phil Dragoo
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #73 on: July 11, 2013, 02:20:03 PM »

A Growing Body Of Evidence Suggests Watergate Was A Setup To Nail Nixon by Russ Baker

Phil's note:  Just read this 22-part Russ Baker piece from last May.  I would add that in a parallel manner Bay of Pigs was a trap or "setup" to get JFK

Helms, Bush, McCord, Hunt and the rest of the clowns; the weasel Dean--all to get Nixon out and Ford in--to appoint Rockefeller vp and Bush DCI to clean up things

Fascinating that Frank Wisner suicides '65; Phil Graham '63

And Woodward?  Spook
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.


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Re: Phil Dragoo Commentaries and Images
« Reply #74 on: July 11, 2013, 02:20:36 PM »
Enemy of the Truth, Sherry P. Fiester

    Thomas Noguchi showed us Robert F. Kennedy was killed, not by a patsy in front, but by a hidden killer behind. Sherry Fiester now shows us John F. Kennedy was not killed by a patsy behind, but by a hidden shooter in front.

    In each case the professional investigator proceeds from established protocol. Science, not speculation, leads to the correct analysis, dispelling the myth, which is always the enemy of the truth.

    Fiester’s thesis is a double-helix of interlocking observations: First, that a shot from the front entered at the right temple and blew out the right occipital, taking with it much of the right hemisphere.

    To the lay person the overlay of observation is stunning: radial and concentric fracturing at the site of entry, appearance and disappearance of backspatter within milliseconds, a trail of metal fragments on the lateral x-ray from the entry, the two-inch forward movement in the initial milliseconds followed by the dramatic back and to the left movement in billiard-shot response.

    Second, that the Single Bullet Theory, that hallucination of Specter conjured to account for seven wounds in two men, after Tague’s cheek subtracted from the three shots allowed, is not merely dead; it is most sincerely dead.

    Readers will find the most thorough destruction-in-detail of this essential element of the Big Lie behind the most significant murder of the Twentieth Century.

    And, at root and at last, that is what the eclipse of the Republic is all about, a murder misrepresented.

    Followers of the methods of Sherlock Holmes of old books and cinema and new television will appreciate the removal of the impossible, the observation of the actual, and the summary analysis in determining the trajectory vector:

    The president at the moment of impact, say Z-312/313, is looking left X degrees, down Y degrees; this orientation is aligned on an axis to the Z camera in the limo on Elm and a 35-degree range allowing the right-hemisphere shot centers on the juncture of the Underpass and the South Knoll.

    Voila, a solution one hundred eighty degrees from the Warren (Dulles) Commission repeated ad nauseum by the Clark Panel, the HSCA, Humes at the ARRB, various cherry pickers in print and CGIstan.

    The Single Bullet Theory fails on multiple grounds expounded in the 67-page climactic chapter. The author has faulted Dallas Police for failure to observe forensic protocols, protect the crime scene, develop the evidence, document the chain of evidence through drawings, photographs and written reports; this is supremely crucial in the Theory of Theories in the Crime of the Century.

    Readers may be familiar with the doubt on the authenticity of CE 399 per the previous work of Robert Harris, Jim DiEugenio and others, the finding of Humes that the end of the back wound could be felt by his finger, that the president’s physician Burkley located it at the third thoracic, that all subsequent moving was to conform to the a priori lone gunman, three bullets, two men, seven wounds via the Magic Bullet.

    Ford moved the wound by “altering” the draft of the Commission report from “entered his back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine” to “entered the back of his neck at a point slightly to the right of his spine”—and Gerry Ford was the fourth autopsist who picked up the pieces of Helms’ demolition of Nixon by having Rockefeller “investigate” CIA and naming GHW Bush DCI to sanitize the witness list for the HSCA.

    Perry’s clearly accurate description of the throat wound as one of entry brought the badgering of Secret Service agent Elmer Moore all Friday night and the piling on of Specter and Dulles at Commission hearings. Perry confided to McClelland he was afraid “they would kill me.”

    Livingstone told Humes of the entry wound to the throat before the autopsy, but the FBI stopped the call and Humes rolled over per his superiors’ instruction. McClelland, Perry, Carrico, Baxter and Jones saw an entry of .25 inch or less; a trach tube of .51 inches was inserted in an incision of that general size—yet Boswell indicates the incision was 6.5cm/2.56in—in the 295-page analysis of Anthony DeFiore following the research of Doug Weldon is a likely source for the initial wound which was so dangerous in its implications it caused a firestorm of reaction in Moore-Specter-Dulles.

    The Warren Commission/FBI trajectory for the SBT is an a priori construct parroted by the HSCA and supposedly “replicated” by a cable program—which showed a bullet exiting the chest--perhaps a “Fordism” for “throat”—what difference does it make? As Weisberg would say, we’re only talking about the president.

    Finally, chain of evidence is 0-4: Tomlinson, Wright, Johnsen, Rowley “could not identify” CE 399 the bullet shown them by FBI Special Agent Elmar Lee Todd.

    A bullet from Fantasyland passed through two specters in seven places never on a line from the mythical nest yet was in no way similarly deformed as all test bullets fired into cadavers and ballistic gelatin by Commission personnel.

    The reader will appreciate the detail in a 381-page book in the language of the professional crime scene investigator. This reviewer posits the precursors to the dual major thesis (single frontal head wound/explosion of SBT myth) as laying the groundwork for aspects of the central core:

    Dallas PD Followed Protocol: In a twisted way: Fritz pocketed casings, would later step out of the way so Ruby could shoot Oswald. FBI experts found Studebaker’s prints all over the scene—the DP officer put in charge of the scene didn’t put on gloves; also, used powder, not chemical to lift prints, consistent with the unsupervised, untrained newbie left to “develop latent fingerprints, photograph, and collect evidence in the homicide investigation of the President of the United States.”

    Ear Witnesses: Acoustics of the Plaza served to confuse directionality of sound. Witnesses named the Depository or the North “Grassy Knoll” but not the South—if we disregard Robert “Tosh” Plumlee and the wizardry of Mitch WerBell, CIA/Military master arms developer responsible for early innovations in silencer technology. Hence, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. (as presumed in the mysterious surfacing of Witt the ersatz “Umbrella Man” and Jett the “sandwich man” both “demonstrating there’s no there there”)

    Blood in Zapruder is Faked: Backspatter appears and disappears in milliseconds—and is in Zapruder in precisely the manner expected with a frontal shot circa Z-312/313. Why was it “left in by forgers”? Because backspatter was not identified and analyzed before 1982, by which time all of the speculative shenanigans at Hawkeyeworks/NPIC in re Costella, Healy, Horne, et al was in the can.

    The Limo Stop: The author stipulates the limo did not stop, technically. Accounts in the record by a handful of researchers describe a version of Zapruder seen by them depicting a full limo stop. Witnesses report in their scores of a slowing of a dramatic nature. The author describes an identified psychological condition reported by professional first-responders in crisis of an uncanny slowing of the rollout of events—literally slow-motion.

    A paper by George Michael Evica “The Surrounding Silence: The Terrible First Sound in Dealey Plaza” (1993) suggests the initial report was designed to freeze the action. The epileptic “seizure” and ambulance, the “sound of fireworks”, the smoke and gunpowder smell at the Grassy Knoll, the magician was at work distracting. Brake lights and Greer’s looking back until the headshot may indicate a slowing rather than a stop per se. The reader will not see even that in the extant Zapruder.

    Ballistics Prove One Shooter: Here’s one of three eye-catchers:

    The Firearm Analysis and Tool Mark Panel of the HSCA fired ammunition through the Mannlicher Carcano in anticipation of using the bullets as a standard for comparison identifications. Bullets the firearms panel fired from the rifle did not match either the FBI test cartridges of those found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository; nor did they match the bullet found on the stretcher at Parkland Hospital. The striking discovery was the test bullets fired by the HSCA panel through the Mannlicher Carcano rifle did not even match each other.

    In 1977 Guinn told the HSCA antimony in Mannlicher Carcano ammunition was consistent, a conclusion used to pronounce the official version of events. Yet in two years Guinn found wide variance in antimony in individual Carcano bullets. Guinn fits somewhere between the White Knight and the Red Queen.

    His expertise allowed him to testify Gallagher was inexperienced, and Mannlicher Carcano ammunition’s “concentration range from bullet-to-bullet is tremendous”—Guinn and Gallagher two of the seven blind men used to determine the characteristics of the elephant.

    In 2004 the Committee on Scientific Assessment of Bullet Lead Elemental Composition and Comparison in the report of Clifford Spiegelman found fragments could have come from three or more separate bullets. Stewart Wexler’s work called Guinn’s conclusions into question on a range of issues. In short, the ballistic “evidence” was an ad hoc solution to an a priori conclusion, not the result of an investigation in the sense of the professional.

    The Grassy Knoll Headshot: The Warren conclusion was a priori; its trajectory “analysis” was result-oriented, as was the cable program referenced (dispatched on by Jim DiEugenio).

    ARRB counsel Gunn deposing x-ray tech Custer:

    Gunn: So, it’s your opinion that the trauma to the head began at the front and moved towards the back of the head?

    Custer: Yes, sir. Absolutely (Custer, 1997)

    Herein is the radial and concentric fracturing from the frontal entry.

    It is well worth repeating the author’s comment (pp196-7):

    Kennedy’s X-Rays depict radial fractures that appear to originate in the frontal bone. Concentric fractures are located predominately near the front of the head. Kennedy’s autopsy X-Rays have distinct radial fractures propagating from the front of the head, with the preponderance of concentric fractures located at the front. This results in smaller fragments nearer the point of entry, enlarging in size as they move toward the exit wound. Current research indicates Kennedy’s fracturing pattern corresponds with an entry wound located in the frontal bone, which correlates to a projectile striking the front of the head.

    And on page 218, an appalling failing of both government “investigations”:

    There are standardized procedures for trajectory reconstruction that provide an accurate method to define where shooters are located. However, neither the Warren Commission, nor the House Select Committee on Assassinations used those uniform processes for trajectory analysis.

    Two Headshots: A quick one-two:

    The Itek Corporation report concluded Kennedy’s head moved forward approximately 2.3 inches and his shoulder about 1.1 inches at Frames 312 and 313. Following that forward movement, Itek reported President Kennedy’s head move rearward from Zapruder 314 to 321 (Itek, 1976) (page 232).

    Movement into the force: Once the bullet enters the skull, if the design of the projectile limits penetration by distortion or fragmentation, the bullet immediately loses velocity. The loss of velocity results in the transfer of kinetic energy demonstrated by the instantaneous generation of temporary cavitation. The higher a projectile’s velocity upon impact, the more kinetic energy is available to transfer to the target. The amount of kinetic energy transferred to a target increases with faster projectile deceleration. This initial transfer of energy causes the target to swell or move minutely into the force and against the line of fire. The greater the transferred energy, the more pronounced the forward movement (Karger, 2008; Coupland, 2011;l Radford, 2009). (page 245)

    In sum, author Sherry Fiester is uniquely qualified to critique the crime scene investigation of the official bodies over the course of the past fifty years. Her approach is that of the professional, the use of established science-based protocols to determine events and causalities, not search for same to support a priori conclusions.

    Her model is the exposure of eight identified myths in the spirit of the opening comment by the thirty-fifth president, that such are the “enemy of truth”—and truth, after all, is the only antidote for the existential shadow hanging over the Republic for the past half century.

    Picture if you will the unspeakable evil of a government which would produce an intelligence operative replete with demonizable legend, position him as patsy to conceal the Jackal-like elimination of the inconvenient temporary occupant of the White House and parade an endless procession of Stephen King clowns in official drag to insist the impossible is the case: that one man with a defective weapon accomplished fantastic ballistic feats and the lack of any conspiracy dictates records will remain sealed in service to a national security defined in a world created by Lewis Carroll.

    Contrast wound analysis, bloodspatter analysis, trajectory analysis yielding the inconvenient conclusion: murder by person or persons unknown abetted by accessories in high places at every stage of the crime.

    Sherry Fiester: ally of the truth.
Our future may lie beyond our vision, but it is not completely beyond our control. It is the shaping impulse of America that neither fate nor nature nor the irresistible tides of history, but the work of our own hands, matched to reason and principle, that will determine our destiny.