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John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: An Important Announcement from the AARC
« Last post by Mitz on October 03, 2015, 01:43:30 PM »
Very interesting. Thanks for posting this, Alan.

I hope you are keeping well. I've taken the last year or so off and think I am just about ready for the next round.
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / An Important Announcement from the AARC
« Last post by Alan Dale on May 24, 2015, 03:50:35 AM »
To mark the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Warren Report, on September 26 thru 28, 2014, the AARC hosted an unprecedented gathering of prominent authorities, historical researchers, and notable personalities associated with the study of President Kennedy's assassination. Because of AARC's mission to provide public access to national records, video recordings of their presentations at the conference will be released over the course of the next several weeks. These presentations may be viewed here without charge. Full dvd sets will soon be available for purchase. Viewers are encouraged to support the work of the AARC by making a tax-exempt donation.
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: Where Angels Tread Lightly by John M. Newman
« Last post by Alan Dale on May 13, 2015, 03:26:17 PM »

Where Angels Tread Lightly by John M. Newman has been revised and is again available at Amazon. This updated edition includes typographical corrections and a new ending featuring quotes from a very rare book by David Atlee Phillips, CIA disinformation specialist extraordinaire.

For those who have already purchased Where Angels Tread Lightly please follow this link to visit the AARC website where you will be able to download and print out an important and startling addition to the Afterward which can be folded and slipped into your book.
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: Where Angels Tread Lightly by John M. Newman
« Last post by Alan Dale on April 26, 2015, 09:45:16 PM »
My Amazon review of Where Angels Tread Lightly:

"There is no darker story in our recent history than how the American struggle with Fidel Castro became entangled with the assassination of President Kennedy." Dr. John M. Newman

Buried within the records of America’s military and intelligence bureaucracies are the hidden histories of the Cold War. The Assassination of President Kennedy, Vol. 1: Where Angels Tread Lightly brings greater depth and more detail to our understanding of the roots of its subject than anything previously published. It is a story that begins with an examination of the conditions and opposing factions within Cuba which led to Castro's 26 of July movement and the Cuban Revolution. This first book in Dr. Newman's planned multi-volume series on President Kennedy's assassination offers a masterful introduction to the dynamic complexities of Cuban-American relations in the wake of Fidel Castro's emergence and ascendency to power. Understanding how the United States responded to Castro, and learning who were the figures of consequence as officers, assets and operatives within the fabric of America's officially authorized Cuban operations is the necessary context for uncovering a hidden path which ultimately led to the assassination of President Kennedy.

This work reads like a classic film screenplay. The characters are of such color and intrigue as to be compared with those found in the richest and most enthralling Spy Novels. Dr. Newman introduces CIA affiliated individuals and personalities, agents and double-agents who employed multiple identities engaged in multiple -- sometimes overlapping -- operations. We learn of deliberate deceptions perpetrated against both presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy by their intelligence executives. We encounter June Cobb and her extraordinary counterpart, Katherine Taafe, certainly among the most interesting figures ever to cross the historical stage. We find extraordinary details about the Cuban figures who defined the earliest opposition to the Batista regime, the Directorio Revolucianario and its evolution into the DRE with which Lee Harvey Oswald made news on the streets of New Orleans in the summer of 1963, and we explore the pseudonyms, cryptonyms and acronyms relevant to our understanding of the period 1959 - 1963, the most seismically volatile period of the Cold War which will be the primary focus of this work in subsequent volumes. And throughout each chapter we follow the intriguing paths of an infamous cast of players: Allen Dulles, David Phillips, William Harvey, David Morales, E. Howard Hunt, Tony Sforza, Frank Sturgis/Frank Fiorini, Rolando Cubela and many others whose identities and actions will be with us from the earliest days of the Cuban Revolution all the way through November 22, 1963 and beyond.

This is not JFK for Beginners. There will be revelations even for the most experienced JFK assassination researchers; new details which will inform and fascinate all who are interested in history, the Intelligence agencies, their sources and methods. The Assassination of President Kennedy Volume 1, Where Angels Tread Lightly is an exemplary step in a new era of 21st century JFK research. Dr. Newman is a former Army Intelligence officer, an expert in Far Eastern studies, a scholar of Christian Theology and comparative religions, an historian, educator and author whose research has led to revelations about America's hidden histories. Whether 4, 5, 6 or more volumes, he is doing his part to see this through, to expose and explain, and to take us further than we've ever been in a scholarly examination of what really happened to President Kennedy, who was responsible, and how they got away with it.

He deserves our gratitude and support.

"Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day." Thomas Jefferson

"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: And a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." James Madison
JFK LANCER: Conversations / JFK Lancer: Conversations, Dr. John M. Newman
« Last post by Alan Dale on April 23, 2015, 11:47:45 PM »

Alan Dale speaks with Dr. John Newman, former Army Intelligence officer, expert in Far Eastern studies, a scholar of Christian Theology and comparative religions, historian and educator, an author whose research has led to revelations about America's hidden histories. He is the author of 1992's JFK and Vietnam, 1995's Oswald and the CIA, which was updated for the 2008 edition, and 2011's Quest For The Kingdom: The Secret Teachings of Jesus in the Light of Yogic Mysticism. Dr. Newman's latest work is The Assassination of President Kennedy, Volume 1: Where Angels Tread Lightly.

The Assassination of President Kennedy, Vol 1

Where Angels Tread Lightly by John M. Newman was published today.

It is immediately available here:

It will also be available sometime next week on Amazon.

John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Where Angels Tread Lightly by John M. Newman
« Last post by Alan Dale on April 23, 2015, 11:39:14 PM »
The Assassination of President Kennedy, Vol 1

Where Angels Tread Lightly by John M. Newman was published today.

It is immediately available here:

Also now available on Amazon:

My interview with Dr. Newman may be heard here:

John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: James Files interviews - 2014
« Last post by TLR on December 30, 2014, 03:48:21 PM »
David, I'm mostly at the Deep Politics forum.
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: James Files interviews - 2014
« Last post by David C on December 29, 2014, 12:40:27 AM »
Happy Holidays everyone.

Thanks for the reply.

Alan, I was referring to JC Price relative to the trigger pulling piece of the puzzle. Looking for collaboration of witnesses pointing to a common observation. I guess I could add Jean Hill to this group.

Couple of thoughts,
Sherry gave us the South Knoll shot relative to angles of the shot and JFKs head position, and path of the bullet through the brain, but we do not have a witness sighting of a shooter from that area or sound evidence. Is the South Knoll shooter any different from Hoffman's sighting relative to evidence.

Files story checks off most of the boxes but he has had a lot of time to study and develop his story.


As far as other areas, I have spent some time on the who was behind it and why, from different angles.
Garrison, Lane, Scott, Douglas, Talbot, all of Alan's interview series, as a good start.

Where I am at this point is that I think that if the number one person responsible for JFK's assassination, walked up to the FBI / Congress/ add your own group, know one would be able to confirm if he was telling the truth or not.

The trail has become so diluted that we would not know the truth if it came up and hit us in the face.

So, to me, File's story is just as good as the next. Who is to say its not.

Anyway, I am looking for the next good read, I tried to move on to a different subject - someone asked me to read a "Waterloo" book, but it did not take me long to get back to the JFK assassination. Its an obsession, hard to put it down.

TLR - where have you been hanging out, I tried to follow you guys when the JFK history forum stopped discussions, couldn't find you guys.
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: James Files interviews - 2014
« Last post by TLR on December 25, 2014, 08:59:01 AM »
Wow, we have some activity here.  ;D  Happy Holidays, everyone!
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963 / Re: James Files interviews - 2014
« Last post by Dave Curbow on December 25, 2014, 02:17:49 AM »
Alan is correct. I emailed him advising him to drop the "in my opinion" preface.
There are far more pregnant issues to invest your time on.
A cursory examination of the area where Mr. Hoffman claims events took place deems it impossible to have not been seen by those on the overpass. Quite simply those on the overpass running over to check behind the fence would have seen the man dismantling the rifle as Hoffman claimed. A glance over their left shoulders would have sufficed.
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