General Category > Lee Harvey Oswald

LHO as an Intelligence Asset.


Alan Dale:
The complexities of the issues one confronts by examining the theory that Oswald was involved with the CIA are not easily summarized in a confined space. My suggestion is that any person interested in studying this aspect of our mutual interest should begin by questioning what they think they know about what it means to be involved with the CIA.

As succinctly as I'm able: A human resource such as a military subject who had been selected for special training in counterespionage and/or counterintelligence could be utilized by the CIA and other intelligence organizations without ever being fully aware of the agency to which any particular operation or action was affiliated. It would take a long time and many hours of reading to be able to address the many ways that intelligence assets are acquired and utilized. In the case of human resources, many are actively engaged without ever being on salary. A low level and innately disposable military figure such as Oswald may have no idea about the "Big Picture." But there are other kinds of assets who live their careers as part of the fabric of the National Security State. It is not impossible that we're confronted with something such as that regarding the "handling" of LHO.

There is an indisputable fact about which knowledgeable researchers may no longer disagree: Executives at the highest level of CIA were involved with Oswald prior to the assassination. The extent to which he understood that fact is subject to debate. My personal opinion is that he did not.

Robert K. Tanenbaum was chosen by Richard Sprague to be the House Select Committee's first Deputy Counsel in charge of the congressional investigation of President Kennedy's murder. After the failure of that body to aggressively pursue any conclusion beyond the easily palatable "mafia did it," Mr. Tanenbaum wrote a national bestselling novel called "Corruption of Blood."

Using the mask of a fictional construct Mr. Tanenbaum wrote the following: "Every intelligence agency is plagued by volunteers, individuals who wish to become spies. Virtually all of them are useless for real intelligence work, unstable, maniacal, lazy, or criminal types for the most part, but some of them can be used as pigeons, that is, as false members of a spy network who can distract the attention of counterintelligence operatives, and can be betrayed to them with misleading or damaging information in their heads. Lists are kept of such potential pigeons at foreign CIA stations, a marine spouting Marxist propaganda at a top-secret radar base could not have escaped those who keep them."

Whatever Oswald was, an Agent Provocateur, a dangle, an informant, a pigeon -- we must always consider the possibility that he was used in these ways without fully understanding who he was serving, which agency, or anything beyond the narrow focus of his frequently uninspiring assignment. It seems plausible to me that he was marked for special training in intelligence work early on during Marine training, and then recognized as being temperamentally unsuited (or, as my friend, Bill Simpich would insist, perhaps suited for the kind of glamorous assignments to which he may have aspired.

Not to suggest that someone could not find some way of using a low-level, innately disposable asset. I believe someone did.


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