Author Topic: Harper Fragment  (Read 15210 times)

David C

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Harper Fragment
« on: October 10, 2013, 10:49:45 PM »
I was in a discussion over on the JFK REOPEN the Case board and mentioned Sherrys work on the frontal head shot.

A comment came back that indicated that the frontal head shot did not match up with the Harper fragment location.

Anyone have a comment on the Harper fragment.

"But if these official photos and X-Rays of President Kennedy are not authentic, then you have something of a magnitude beyond common experience that would reflect so devastatingly on our society as a whole and it corruptability, that you don't know how to deal with it" - The Unspeakable


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Re: Harper Fragment
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2013, 09:03:28 AM »
Great question! The expelled fragments, found both forward and rearward of the President, can not be used to indicate direction of travel for the head shot. The bones fracture and then the internal pressure begins to build, which pushes against the fractured skull. The scalp then begins to tear and the last side or portion of the scalp to release causes the expelled bone to spin away from the head in that direction. Since any portion of the scalp may tear last, the bone can be expelled to travel in any direction.

Place your palm on a surface and slowly lift it from any edge until it leaves the table completely. Imagine that doen with great force and you can visualize the actin of the skull fragment as it breaks away from the head.

Hope this helps. Thanks so much for talking about Enemy of the Truth.



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Re: Harper Fragment
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2013, 10:05:06 AM »
^ Thank you Sherry! We are so fortunate to have you among us!

Dave, is this your thread over there of which you speak?

Oh boy, seems even one of our members (please join this exchange here) is included in the large group that seems to be quite reluctant to let go of the (north) grassy knoll. Talk of smoke and earwitness accounts cannot even begin to refute what Sherry has just stated above.  Again ...................
"Facts are stubborn things" - Mitch C.
I think that the discussion of whether the bone fragment was occipital or parietal relates to the debate over the authenticity of the autopsy and the x-rays more than anything else and that's a can of worms I'm sure Sherry has comments on too! ;) Here is more reading (not that I'm promoting any specific viewpoints there) on the subject to be assessed:

As Alan and I have been saying, to enter the discussion unequipped with the knowledge of up to date ballistic forensics leaves one deficient of facts to base an argument on. I would like to know just how many contributors over there, in addition to David, actually read "Enemy Of The Truth?"

EDIT: One more thought for now that I forgot to ask about ......... Although Sherry has already stated that the fragment can be "expelled to travel in any direction," how is it determined, or shall I say is there any proof that Harper found the fragment in the exact position that it was originally lying in on the day before? See where I'm going with this?

« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 12:06:42 PM by Karl »


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Re: Harper Fragment
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2013, 12:55:46 PM »
Over on the Deep Politics forum, we have quite a few people who can't let go of the "Zapruder film is a fake/body was altered" scenarios (which I'm personally a skeptical agnostic about), so they argue that those "facts" invalidate Sherry's conclusions.

David C

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Re: Harper Fragment
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2013, 12:58:31 PM »
Afternoon Karl,

Good to hear from you again Sherry.

Its defintely not my forum, but I did start the Oswald tread. Spent some time talking about Sherrys work as it answered alot of questons for me.

My home forum is JFK Essentials.
"But if these official photos and X-Rays of President Kennedy are not authentic, then you have something of a magnitude beyond common experience that would reflect so devastatingly on our society as a whole and it corruptability, that you don't know how to deal with it" - The Unspeakable


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Re: Harper Fragment
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2013, 02:32:09 PM »
Over on the Deep Politics forum, we have quite a few people who can't let go of the "Zapruder film is a fake/body was altered" scenarios (which I'm personally a skeptical agnostic about), so they argue that those "facts" invalidate Sherry's conclusions.
Afternoon Karl,

Good to hear from you again Sherry.

Its defintely not my forum, but I did start the Oswald tread. Spent some time talking about Sherrys work as it answered alot of questons for me.

My home forum is JFK Essentials.

I can't tell you how grateful I am for you folks bringing these informitive posts into the exchange. I have no time for other forums so I only get to read any of them through the links you guys supply. Of course, I trust you all to have something we might consider "essential" reading and on topic so I do take the time to get to most of them.

Most importantly, it stimulates discussion here. TLR, I have long refrained from wasting my time on the authenticity of the Z Film. It seemed that too high a % of researchers concurred that there was much corroboration by other films and photos. As tiny the glimmer of my curiosity is, however, that any random frames were tampered with, I still now understand how the presence and identification of "back spatter" authenticates frames 312 & 313. This one single piece of hard evidence renders discussions on a fair number of facets of the case moot as I see it. Thoughts? Thanks for getting this into the exchange, TLR, your work is always appreciated!  8)

David, all I can say is do more of the same!! Firstly, to say that this is your forum and to be out there stimulating the debate, endorsing Sherry's work and bringing the discussion back here can prove to be a very "essential" practice for our members to sort things out clearer. Thank you, I felt you had my back over there as well as Sherry's!! ;D

I am really looking forward to the continuance of this discussion. I hope that we may grow and progress together much with this one. :)

Phil Dragoo

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Thesis antithesis synthesis
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2013, 03:53:27 PM »
Sherry's description of the final hinge release of the discus thrower is apt

Harper found the fragment but the location of discovery is not connected to the scalp and skull by a chain of evidence

Mantik who dwelt on trivia placed the fragment in Murder in Dealey Plaza as below, with additional red arrows for revised lead smudge location in ctka Thomas review

Such placement reinforces a frontal entry consistent with the right temple/hairline hole described by Parkland doctors and mortician Thom Robinson

(Recall Malcolm Kilduff's sometimes-deleted/later-renounced finger pistol to the head at the press event)

The importance of the Harper Fragment may be deduced from it having been "LOST" while in the sole possession and control of the FBI

which did all in its (Hoover's) power to cement the a priori lone gunman in history

If we are shooting skeet on a flatbed truck moving at eleven miles an hour at three degrees down

with the mechanism mounted on a turntable to mimic the random last edge attachment to the scalp

what algorithm can predict its placement on the map

I posit it came from the right occipitoparietal and was so incriminating it had to be "LOST"

just as the back of the head had to be overlaid with a premortem photo from perhaps a beach or boat photo op

to deny the undeniable, the four score of witnesses to that wound Robert Groden recounts